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Según el Informe Anual de Medición de Tráfico España fue el décimo país más congestionado del mundo en 2015 y los conductores, de media, perdieron 18 horas en atascos. Por ello, para que evites multas y, sobre todo, sustos al volante te traemos la mejor app de radares del mercado.
Barcelona topped the list of the most congested cities in the country with 28 hours of traffic jams. Those in Madrid accumulated 21, those in Seville, 18 and those in Bilbao lost, on average, 16 hours. Thus, navigation and traffic services are essential to avoid traffic problems. Coyote is designed for drivers who want to save time on their road trips and experience connected driving. Its services include a graphic redesign in order to provide an easy experience.
Speed camera and road condition alerts
This is probably the best known feature of the Coyote service, and also the most important in terms of safety. When driving on a road, you can always be surprised by a broken down vehicle stopped in the middle of the road or even by a car driving in the opposite direction.
When it comes to road safety, prevention is better than cure. And being informed is a type of prevention. The speed camera app includes data on the presence of accidents, objects in the middle of the road, obstacles, deterioration of the road... In turn, it issues alerts on fixed and mobile radars so that you are not caught by surprise.
Even if we follow the traffic signs, distractions are always possible. The difference between the maximum posted speed and the speed at which we drive is what triggers the speed cameras. Up to 100 km/h, a radar triggers its photograph if we exceed the maximum speed by 7 km/h. But over 100 km/h we have to add 7%.
Talk to your device
Coyote has a voice control system that prevents distraction. Of course, the co-driver can operate the device manually. But for the driver there is the option of using voice to talk to the device.
Real-time traffic
Coyote has included improvements related to its navigation engine:
-Una mejor estimación del tiempo de llegada gracias a la interpretación de los datos de tráfico en tiempo real.
-Tecnología «Lane Assist» que indica con precisión el carril que debemos coger.
-Instrucciones de navegación más precisas vía locución de voz.
-Visualización del mapa en 3D.
-Mayor rapidez de cálculo de itinerario.
-Reducción del tiempo de búsqueda de un destino.
-Puntos de interés o POIs.
The free version, which includes navigation, route calculation and instantaneous driving speed, is perfect for choosing the optimal route.
Collaborative speed camera app
Both at a citizen level and through agreements with organizations such as the DGT, this speed camera app offers a collaborative service. Thanks to the help of its large community of drivers, it keeps the road data updated. Therefore, everyone's collaboration is vital to be safe at the wheel. Every minute, three alerts from its users reach Coyote's servers. They range from acute congestion and major traffic jams to accidents, objects in the road or complicated weather conditions. In total, more than 4,000 pieces of information per day.
Apart from crowdsourcing crowdsourcingCoyote has signed an agreement with the DGT to share the information they receive from drivers in real time.
Coyote offers free access to its safety camera app in navigation and traffic services. Subscription to its alerts costs €8.99 per month; €49.99 per year (equivalent to €4.17 per month) and €89.99 for two years (equivalent to €3.75 per month).
They also have a range of devices with the radar app included (MiniCoyote, CoyoteS and CoyoteNAV).
Don't miss our article about the 10 best apps for driving.