José Luis López-Schümmer, President and CEO of Mercedes-Benz Spain, together with Alexandre Mallmann, Managing Director of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, a Daimler Group company in Spain, presented Mr. Pedro Puig Pérez, President of Aldeas Infantiles, at the headquarters located in the Madrid municipality of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, with a 9-seater Vito Crew 110 long. The NGO plans to use this vehicle for the transportation of children who attend its different activities.

This show of solidarity demonstrates the commitment acquired within the Daimler Group's CSR policy, to support the great social work carried out, among others, by Aldeas Infantiles with homeless children or children from dysfunctional families so that they can be fully integrated into our society.

During the celebration of their particular "Day of Carying", an international volunteer action project of Daimler Financial Services, a group of 30 employees of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services in Spain, jointly and in solidarity, have contributed their labor to perform, among other actions, cleaning work throughout the grounds of Aldeas Infantiles SOS in order to prepare an event organized by Aldeas Infantiles for more than 1,500 guests.

Source: Mercedes Benz Spain.