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Etiqueta: app


DESCUBRE la forma más inteligente de moverte, AMOVENS

Con el paso del tiempo, el uso del coche se ha ido convirtiendo en un lujo para la mayoría de los españoles. El aumento del precio de la gasolina y de casi todos los gastos asociados al automóvil, a una situación de pobreza cada vez mayor en la sociedad, hacen que conducir sea cada vez […]

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¿Sabes como crear tu propia APP? Upplication te ENSEÑA

¿Sabes como crear tu propia APP? Upplication te ENSEÑA

The app concept is a term that is part of people's daily life, taking into account the user's need for a cell phone. It comes from the English word 'application'. It is true that applications have existed since the birth of computing.

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Looking for peace of mind? BEPREVENT is the SOLUTION

Looking for peace of mind? BEPREVENT is the SOLUTION

Tranquility is a necessary concept in everyone's daily life. Through a new mobile application, we have the opportunity to find a way to promote it, keeping our mind calm and knowing everything that happens around us.

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Don't miss out on unique PROMOTIONS & GIFTS with PAYTHUNDER

Don't miss out on unique PROMOTIONS & GIFTS with PAYTHUNDER

Since the advent of the Internet, the way in which we users consume has changed significantly. We have more data to compare and evaluate our purchases quantitatively and qualitatively. But it is not only consumers who have changed; companies have also improved the way they sell themselves. Paythunder has contributed to this.

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Ballenoil and its digital reinvention after the economic crisis

Ballenoil and its digital reinvention after the economic crisis

En los últimos años, uno de los sectores que se han unido al carro de la digitalización es el de las estaciones de servicio. Este nuevo modelo ha permitido sustituir en algunas facetas al personal humano para hacer el repostaje mucho más cómodo y rápido.

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