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Etiqueta: DGT


Demuestra que aún puedes aprobar el examen teórico de conducir

Aprobar el examen teórico del carnet de circulación es nuestra primera prueba de fuego como conductores. Este test es un control que se realiza a los estudiantes de este permiso para evaluar si conocen los aspectos de seguridad vial. Aunque muchos infravaloran este ejercicio, se trata de un conocimiento que no debemos desechar ya que […]

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These are the fixed radars that fine the most in Spain

These are the fixed radars that fine the most in Spain

Speed on the road is one of the main reasons for accidents. For this reason, both the Government and the Dirección General de Tráfico encourage people to moderate their speed when driving. In addition, as a method of containment, they install fixed and mobile radars to make it known that speeding has consequences [...]

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Consejos para tu conducción en la Operación Salida

Consejos para tu conducción en la Operación Salida

Christmas is a time of festivities and reunions with relatives, where the use of the car increases considerably due to the high number of trips during the well known Operation Exit. For this reason, driving caution should be even more extreme. Traffic on both conventional roads and highways is much more dense and heavy than on conventional roads.

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5 false myths that won't fool the breathalyzer test

5 false myths that won't fool the breathalyzer test

During the Christmas vacations, parties and excesses are two dangers that are usually transferred to the road. This fact is coupled with the fact that at this time of year road transport increases considerably, causing an increase in traffic accidents. Alcohol consumption is one of the main factors to blame for the [...]

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Apps que salvan vidas tras las comidas navideñas

Apps que salvan vidas tras las comidas navideñas

Las Apps que salvan vidas en Navidad La Navidad es una fecha para disfrutar. Nos rodeamos de nuestros seres queridos para comer, beber y poder gozar de las famosas comidas navideñas. Pero debemos ser conscientes del aumento en el consumo de alcohol y drogas con respecto a otras fechas menos señaladas.

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