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Etiqueta: tradición


Do you know the history of the Feria de Abril in Seville?

La Feria de Abril de Sevilla es una de las fiestas más famosas de nuestro país. Anualmente, muchos españoles y ciudadanos de otros países visitan nuestra ciudad para disfrutar de esta festividad. Durante una semana (desde hoy y hasta el próximo sábado), los sevillanos viven con mucha intensidad esta fecha tan señalada. En el Real […]

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Everything you need to know about the Madrugá in Seville

Everything you need to know about the Madrugá in Seville

Hablar de tradición en Sevilla es hacerlo de la Semana Santa. Desde hace siglos, esta semana está marcada en rojo en cualquier calendario de la ciudad por todo lo que representa. Esta fiesta se vive con mucha intensidad, pero, sobre todo, el día en el que se concentran buena parte de las ganas: la Madrugá.

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Berlin's gastronomy, served from a Mercedes-Benz 308 D

Berlin's gastronomy, served from a Mercedes-Benz 308 D

Thorsten Pannek managed to unite his two passions in one: to offer a new version of Berlin gastronomy and a Mercedes-Benz 380 D van. Thus was born "Pannek seine Budike" (Pannek seine Budike), an innovative concept of traditional Berlin food from a food truck.

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Dappers: a new concept in traditional tailoring

Dappers: a new concept in traditional tailoring

Excellence is a field in which many companies seek to stand out, but few know how to do it. While some try to innovate in new fields, others bet on recovering the essence of traditional character and savoir-faire to make a difference.

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What is the true origin of Christmas carols?

What is the true origin of Christmas carols?

Christmas is possibly the most traditional holiday in Spain and the West. It is the most important Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. However, nowadays it has become a period that goes far beyond religion, acquiring strong values at the level of the family, the community, the [...]

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